What have I obtained from this peer editing process?
Truthfully, I am a huge fan of the peer editing process I believe it is incredibly helpful and useful throughout the process of writing a paper. It all began back in my College Writing Class last semester, with Dr. White, that I realized just how useful this process is. In my high school career peer review used to seem like more of just a social hour. I would read one of my friends papers and write a few comments here and there on it and then we would both finish early so we could have a conversation. I am so happy that this is no longer the case in college. Throughout the experience I have had so far with peer review and editing in both my college writing classes is that we truly go in depth. From peer reviewing I have learned that this process is incredibly vital to my success as a writer. I have the ability to learn so much from my peers who are taking on the same task I am. It is also a beautiful thing to see their feedback rather than my own eyes reviewing my paper. Just as Dr. Wielgos had explained in class, that many times we are so quick to think that everything in our own papers makes sense, until we have someone else read it and inform us that in fact it does not make sense at all. Not only do I learn a ton from receiving feedback from my peers but I also get a lot out of reading my peers papers and editing them myself. This allows me to see what other people are writing which one gets my mind moving, and it also helps me realize what to do and what not to do in my writing. It's like looking in a distorted mirror where each image or paper is unique but the main structure should be similar. I really appreciate the time that Dr. Wielgos has set aside for our class to go over the peer review. I believe that it is a great, dominant step in the writing process. I am certain that it will help me enhance the quality of my paper.
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